Digitalization at the University of Bern

ICT infrastructure projects

This is where projects are presented that the SDIG has promoted in the past.

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) with dedicated team

Gezeigt ist ein Stapel farbiger Frachtcontainer bei schönem Wetter

Applications are operated in IT organizations at the University of Bern. Despite similar requirements for application operation, there is a tendency towards individual solutions and specific infrastructure. The University of Bern is now planning to build a platform that supports application operations from deployment to operation. The platform should decouple infrastructure and application logic from each other and be supported as a service by a platform team.

Project Manager Teaching Hub

Logo des Vizerektorats Lehre (roter Hintergrund darauf Piktogramme einer Glühbirne und eines Gehirns)

The establishment of the “Teaching Hub” as a centralized information access for digital teaching is intended to offer lecturers easily accessible and time-saving offerings. The site integrates information in a user-friendly manner and offers an intelligent search function.

Campus license Mentimeter

Das rotblaue Logo von Mentimeter

(Classic) frontal teaching still plays a major role for lecturers, especially at large events such as lectures. Audience response systems such as Mentimeter enable the activation and inclusion of the audience at events such as lectures, conferences or meetings. The University of Bern is purchasing a campus license from Mentimeter (initially as a test for two years) to enable more interaction in lectures and events.

Setting up project management for digital transformation (Vetsuisse)

Das Tierspital mit Aussenanlage an einem hellen Tag

The Vetsuisse Faculty plays a pioneering role in digital transformation in teaching and some research areas. However, there is a lot of catching up to do, particularly in the areas of IT security, data warehousing and the empowerment of data suppliers. Central project management is intended to support the planning and implementation of these projects.

ICT architect for the Medical Faculty

Ein halb zugeklappter Laptop in dunklem Hintergrund mit sich anleuchtenden Bildschirm und Tastatur

Various ICT projects are currently underway at the interface between the medical faculty and the Insel hospital. The Medical Faculty needs an ICT solution architect who will analyze the ICT architecture and design sensible variants for its design. After the initialization phase, this architect will continue to support the projects, including conception, tests, changes and acceptance.

Data center strategy University of Bern

Dunkler Raum, in dem ein Server von vorne gezeigt wird

The spatial and physical structures of the University of Bern's IT systems have grown historically. Today it operates around 30 small and medium-sized server rooms in its buildings. The University of Bern is now planning a strategic development of its IT structures, especially the server rooms. The concentration of operations in two data centers will be examined and the possibility of (partial) outsourcing to professional, external data centers will be considered.

Pilot use of SDSC research infrastructure

blaugrünes Logo der SDSC

The need for collaborative data science projects and the implementation of joint projects with a strong data science orientation is increasing. The Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) will exist as a national infrastructure from 2025. Its future use in such data science projects will be tested by researchers at the University of Bern in 5 to 10 pilot projects from various disciplines.

Immediate measures IT structures Phil.-hist. Faculty

Aussenbereich vom Unitobler mit farbigen Keramikfiguren und Studierenden

The central IT of the Phil.-hist. faculty already looks after seven institutes and centers as well as the dean's office. In order to improve their systems, to introduce digital working methods and to put IT on a solid basis, additional resources are needed. The aim is to further develop the central IT so that it can also provide IT support for the remaining institutes of the faculty in the future.

Making Opencast & Tobira future-proof

Ladebalken von Opencast der 8,62% anzeigt

The University of Bern uses Opencast and Tobira to record lectures and provide videos. The goal is to optimize these platforms to make them a central point of contact for all audio-visual media in teaching, while ensuring accessibility.

Usability improvements in ILIAS

Ein Screenshot von der Lernplattform ILIAS ist zu sehen

ILIAS, the learning management system of the University of Bern, offers a wide range of functions for teachers and students. However, usage is not always intuitive. The goal is to measurably improve the user-friendliness and accessibility of ILIAS and thus make it easier to use the diverse functions.

Capacity Storage

Personen sind vor einem Computer, der eine bunter Grafik zeigt

Climate research is one of five key topics according to the Strategy 2030. Based on the need for the climate research group to replace existing storage systems, a service for the cost-effective storage of large amounts of data in the petabyte range is to be developed, which will be made accessible to all university units.