Digitalization at the University of Bern

Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) and the University of Bern: call for project proposals

The Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) and the University of Bern are calling for 12-month pilot project proposals that will leverage advances in data science to address timely challenges from science and society.

Submission deadline for full proposals: October 31st, 2023

Requirements and eligibility to apply

NB: only accepted pre-proposals from the first phase are invited to submit a long proposal!

While UniBE participants (to be understood in a broad sense, including Inselspital and Wyss foundation) from all disciplinary horizons are encouraged to apply, projects related to the following broader domains are particularly welcome:

  • Climate change research
  • Sustainable development and biodiversity
  • Personalized medicine
  • Digital humanities

Projects with the following characteristics are particularly encouraged:

  • Projects that are addressing topics of significant importance in a field of research.
  • Projects likely to foster the development and integration of data science within a broader applied research community from a domain of application, and to facilitate the collaboration between different teams.
  • Projects permitting the development of collaborations with researchers working on methods of data science.
  • Projects that are likely to contribute to the development of data science initiatives at the University of Bern in partnership with the Swiss Data Science Center.
  • Projects likely, after a couple of years, to be eligible for larger funding initiatives.


Projects can involve one or several UniBE investigators and teams. Selected projects will receive funding in the form of in-kind participation from SDSC data scientists contributing expertise in machine learning, statistics, optimization, computer vision, etc. This in-kind participation will be potentially including as well computing resources from the SDSC side. In addition, a maximum of CHF 50'000 collaboration costs per project may be granted, with at most CHF 25'000 per UniBE team involved.

Submission deadline

Short project descriptions (max two pages excluding references, in font 11pt or larger) are to be submitted electronically to the UniBE chair of the proposal evaluation committee (Prof. Dr. David Ginsbourger, e-mail: by July 18th, 2023 (included, Swiss time). Investigators of short-listed projects will be contacted in due time to present their proposal, and exchange with SDSC data scientists on the data science strategy of their 12-month project and appropriate methodologies.