Digitalisierung an der Universität Bern

Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) and the University of Bern: call for project proposals

The Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) and the University of Bern are calling for 12-month pilot project proposals that will leverage advances in data science to address timely challenges from science and society.

Submission deadline for full proposals: October 31st, 2023

Requirements and eligibility to apply

NB: only accepted pre-proposals from the first phase are invited to submit a long proposal!

While UniBE participants (to be understood in a broad sense, including Inselspital and Wyss foundation) from all disciplinary horizons are encouraged to apply, projects related to the following broader domains are particularly welcome:

  • Climate change research
  • Sustainable development and biodiversity
  • Personalized medicine
  • Digital humanities

Projects with the following characteristics are particularly encouraged:

  • Projects that are addressing topics of significant importance in a field of research.
  • Projects likely to foster the development and integration of data science within a broader applied research community from a domain of application, and to facilitate the collaboration between different teams.
  • Projects permitting the development of collaborations with researchers working on methods of data science.
  • Projects that are likely to contribute to the development of data science initiatives at the University of Bern in partnership with the Swiss Data Science Center.
  • Projects likely, after a couple of years, to be eligible for larger funding initiatives.


Projects can involve one or several UniBE investigators and teams. Selected projects will receive funding in the form of in-kind participation from SDSC data scientists contributing expertise in machine learning, statistics, optimization, computer vision, etc. This in-kind participation will be potentially including as well computing resources from the SDSC side. In addition, a maximum of CHF 50'000 collaboration costs per project may be granted, with at most CHF 25'000 per UniBE team involved.