Digitalization at the University of Bern

Previous Events

Mittelbau in digital transformation - develop, promote, network

Talks and Apéro

The focus group Forum Mittelbau promotes the digitalization-related interests of intermediate staff and evaluates applications from young researchers at the University of Bern to fund their own projects. Anyone interested is invited to attend to learn about currently funded projects, the new call for proposals, and opportunities for digitalization at the University.


  1. Introduction by the focus group Forum Mittelbau
  2. Welcome address by Prof. Dr. Christiane Tretter, Head of the Digitalization Commission DigiK
  3. Presentation of the Innovation Office: Sébastien Hug
  4. Presentation of the Digital Humanities: Prof. Dr. Tobias Hodel

Insights into projects

  • Dr. Eva Kuske, Walter Benjamin Kolleg, Human vs. machine - manual and automated transcription, annotation and alignment
  • Dr. Adrian Stefanov, Institute of Cell Biology, A digital organism - Paramecium
  • Dr. Yvonne Schweizer, Institute for Art History, Interactive city model of the history of the Swiss Sculpture Exhibition in Biel/Bienne


Organisation: Dr. Michael Ackert, Dr. Dr. Ann Krispenz, Mirko Winkel

  • Date: June 10th, 2024
  • Time: 1:00 to 3:00 pm, open end
  • Venue: UniS, room B-102
  • Registration: LINK

Workshop: AI in the Central Administration II

Prof. Christian Matt und Prof. Jens Dibbern

On May 30, 2024, the participants of the second workshop "AI in the central area" together with Prof. Christian Matt from the Institute of Information Systems at the University of Bern (Prof. Jens Dibbern was unfortunately unable to attend due to illness) developed ideas for improving processes in the central administration.

Slides and further information can be found here.



Blauer digitaler Hintergrund mit Bildern, Netzwerken und medizinischen Darstellungen

Synthetic patient data – these are AI-generated datasets that mimic the underlying real patient data so closely that the statistical properties of the original data are retained, but no personal information is available. Patient data "synthesized" in this way has the potential to solve a pressing problem in medical research. Namely, to make patient data widely available for research while fully and irreversibly protecting patient privacy.

What seemed like an insurmountable dilemma just a few years ago is now becoming a reality thanks to AI models. The Faculty of Medicine, the University of Bern and the Inselspital want to jointly explore the topic of "synthetic data" and lay the necessary foundations. The Synthetic Data Day, with presentations by national and international synthetic data experts, is the first step in this direction.

You can look forward to unique insights into the potential of synthetic data, its current areas of application, and the existing need for research.

Workshop: AI in the Central Administration

Dozent steht vor Menschen hinter ihm eine bunte Wordcloud

On February 29, 2024, the participants of the workshop "AI in the central area" together with Prof. Christian Matt from the Institute of Information Systems at the University of Bern (Prof. Jens Dibbern was unfortunately unable to attend due to illness) developed ideas for improving processes in the central administration.

Slides and further information can be found here.


AI@UniBE - Research in Dialogue

Person ist vor einem Laptop, hinter Ihr über die Schulter greifend eine AI-Impression

Be inspired by current applications of AI in research at UniBE and help shape the dialog on responsible AI!

Take part in the AI@UniBE - Research in Dialogue event at the University of Bern, where the current and future potential of AI in research will be presented. Learn about current research projects and approaches and take part in discussions about responsible AI in research. You will have the opportunity to interact with experts from various fields and share your ideas on shaping interdisciplinary AI research communities. Don't miss this unique opportunity to help shape and discuss the way forward!


Frau Passig vor schwarzem Hintergrund

“What you don’t need to know any more: An update”

Author Kathrin Passig has been investigating writing in the digital space for years now. Her lecture, entitled “What you don’t need to know any more: An Update” focused on what has changed in academic work and knowledge transfer with the progress of language models which, for example, have made ChatGPT possible.


Prof. Dr. Gerd Gigerenzer vor türkisblauem Hintergrund

“Click: How to keep control in a digital world and make the right decisions”

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Gerd Gigerenzer, Director of the Harding Center for Risk Literacy at the University of Potsdam and long-time director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin

Did you miss the “People in Digital Transformation” lectures?

You will find the recording here: